Rock Crusher provides a clean & safe nursery for you and your child so that you can enjoy worship without distractions. Babies are surrounded by caring and trained volunteers who love nurturing these little ones. The children sing, play, and read to learn that Jesus loves them.

Rock Crusher provides a safe zone for your child. Preschoolers at Rock Crusher are located in the main building across from the kitchen for a time of singing, games, and interactive lessons by Think Orange curriculhm that reinforce important virtues from God’s word on their level.

Rock Crusher provides a safe zone in the Main Building for your child. Passionate leaders present an engaging lesson from the Think Orange curriculum, complete with awesome worship, captivating multimedia, games, Bible memorization and more.
Our “Pro Kid Policy”
In order to provide parents peace of mind while attending worship and church activities, we strive to achieve the highest level of safety and security as possible. For this reason, we have instituted a “Pro Kid Policy” (Safe Church Policy). Our leaders and volunteers have undergone special training and passed background checks. We are confident that our efforts have created a safe environment for your children.
Kids’ Check-In is Easy!
We’ve got a great system for making sure the kids get to the right room, and you’re able to keep track of them at all times. Simply come to the Check-In Desk located at the entrance of the Children’s Ministry Area and we will take care of everything!